Monday, October 19, 2009

The Rich and the Profane

# 20 The Rich and the Profane (©1999)

Genre: Mystery

Location: England

Reviews Available by: [Harriet Klausner]
Grant began to introduce some medical concerns into the Lovejoy series, for example, having Lovejoy respond sympathetically in The Rich and the Profane (1998) to a paraplegic youngster who paints credible forgeries with a toothbrush clenched between her teeth. Lovejoy provides the youngster lessons in his art. Typical is his advice on putting together an antique hunter's kit, which he concludes with "If technology scares you, forget the little microscope and make do with the tape measure, the colour chart, the hand lens and the torch. They'll save you a fortune, and maybe earn you one." The novel takes Lovejoy to Guernsey, seeking revenge for the supposed death of a companion in crime whom he believes has been tossed into the bottomless, bubbling hot mud of an ancient pool on priory grounds. When Lovejoy pulls together a musical and gambling extravaganza as part of his revenge strategy, he finds how far afield his assumptions have been. In the process he brings wealth and fame to many, but is lucky to barely escape with his life.
Dictionary of Literary Biography, Volume 276: British Mystery and Thriller Writers Since 1960. A Bruccoli Clark Layman Book. Edited by Gina Macdonald, Nicholls State University. Gale Group, 2003. pp. 160-174.

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